The fastest and easiest way to extract pages from a PDF document
No need to purchase expensive PDF editing software, no monthly rates, no installation, no registration - 100% free
Drag & drop to upload your PDF document and start splitting right away
Extract each page, select ranges, or specify a file size-limit not to exceed
Instantly split-out and download the pages you want extracted
No limits on the number of files you can split
Visually preview and select the pages to extract
See the results in real-time before you download
Our mission
Split-a-PDF is brought to you by the team behind Doc Translator, PDF-Word Convert, and Doc Word Counter . We will never charge for our services, we will never share your document data - that is our solemn promise. We offer our services because we thrive on solving challenges which bring real value to people's lives. We hope you like our work!
Our Work
We try our very best to make cool things which people find useful. All over the world, every day, we help thousands of people save their valuable time through the use of our tools:
Easy-to-use Graphical Interface
Split a PDF file into multiple pieces, and download them one-by-one or all at once.

100% Confidential & Secure
We do not keep your files or share your document data with anyone. We remove all documents from our servers 30 minutes after being uploaded. Your documents' security and confidentiality is our number one priority, and our privacy policy is 100% crystal clear on this matter.
Works with any PDF created on any platform and with any OS
Our cloud does all the heavy lifting, not your computer. As an online application, you do not need to worry about any compatibility issues with your system.
Blazingly Fast & Feature-Rich
Quite possibly the fastest and most robust application out there. We provide you an overview of the output file sizes before you download the results. This allows you to split your PDF documents based on size limitations. No other leading platform can do this.